Sunday, June 10, 2007

I give you: Wulf and Grendel

Is there anything cuter than a kitten? No, there isn't. And I found two in a trash can in a hot Wal-Mart parking lot! I brought them home and immediately started to reassure John that I would take them to the humane society, but he took one look and said, "let's keep 'em". I was shocked, but tickled. My tendency to turn our house into a zoo usually makes him groan. He's a good sport though, and these guys are awfully cute. I don't know how anyone could have left them there. We just got them to the vet on Friday. They had worms and ear mites and they were covered in fleas, but they're on the mend now. Getting litter box trained and getting used to Angel, who I think might want to eat them - or at least play with them really hard. China tries to pretend they don't exist. The kids are thrilled. For the first two days John Aubrey kept saying he couldn't believe this wasn't a dream as he was holding or playing with Wulf. They are little characters, and so loving. I feel lucky to have found them.

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